The first volume of the Book Series «Graphic Symbols, Written Words» is out

Segni, sogni, materie e scrittura dall’Egitto tardoantico all’Europa carolingia, edited by A. Ghignoli, M. Boccuzzi, A. Monte and N. Sietis is out!

It is the first volume of the Book Series «Graphic Symbols, Written Words» published by Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura in the Series «Temi e testi. This Book Series is originated within the ERC research project NOTAE and it is directed by Antonella Ghignoli.

In the present volume are collected contributions written by Tessa Canella, Agostino Soldati, Yasmine Amory, Sophie Kovarik, Dario Internullo, Martin Hellmann as developments of the papers they gave at the NOTAE Project Lectures Series, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 as invited speakers. The publication is downloadable here in Open Access.