The workshop entitled “Apollonia e le altre. Donne, potere e scrittura nell’antichità“, which is the final event of the third mission project “Voci femminili dall’antichità a oggi: storie di donne tra alfabetismo ed emancipazione” (Female voices from antiquity to today: stories of women between literacy and emancipation) led by Marta Marucci and Lucia Consuelo Colella at Sapienza University of Rome-Department SARAS, will take place on 10 January 2025, 9:00-13:00, at Sapienza, CU 003, Department SARAS, third floor, room “Rosario Romeo”.
Antonella Ghignoli, Maria Boccuzzi, Aneta Skalec and Livia Briasco will participate in the event. The program is available here.